Go Notes - Chain Link

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Go Notes - Chain Link

In Go, you can easily create chains throughout the Struct. For example, you have an asset that needs to be tracked.

Let us define the asset as Sugar. Yeah, it's sugar the one that you drop in a cup of tea.

type Sugar struct {
    previous *Sugar
    Location string

func main() {
    sugar := Sugar{
        Location: "Cyberjaya",

    sugar1 := Sugar{
        previous: &sugar,
        Location: "Kota Bharu",

    sugar2 := Sugar{
        previous: &sugar1,
        Location: "Muar",

    fmt.Println("Current location:", sugar2.Location)
    fmt.Println("Previous location:", sugar2.previous.Location)
    fmt.Println("Previous previous location:", sugar2.previous.previous.Location)